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More In Our Issues

  • Vol No. XXXVI
  • Issue No. 2



  • Despite the pandemic’s devastation being more severe than the September 2008 crisis, the recovery has been swifter


  • Focus back on growth

    Strong provisioning, growth in loans and disbursements, improving collections and lower pandemic impact on asset quality

  • Upbeat Performance

    Capacity expansion on hopes of demand revival

  • All-round growth

    Margins pressure likely due to higher input costs

  • Standing on firm footing

    Earnings growth due to inventory gain and stable marketing segment operating

  • Improving health

    Better utilization and realization on higher demand

  • A dizzying spell

    The rally factoring in economic recovery, fuelled by more liquidity and vaccine rollout, takes a pause when confronted by...

  • All important financial and market data of 2000 companies, on consolidated-first priority basis, classified under leading sectors.

  • A dizzying spell

    The rally factoring in economic recovery, fuelled by more liquidity and vaccine rollout, takes a pause when confronted by...

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