07 Feb, EOD - Indian

SENSEX 77860.19 (-0.25)

Nifty 50 23559.95 (-0.18)

Nifty Bank 50158.85 (-0.44)

Nifty IT 42921.65 (-0.23)

Nifty Midcap 100 53609.15 (0.20)

Nifty Next 50 63552.2 (0.02)

Nifty Pharma 22077 (0.31)

Nifty Smallcap 100 17006.85 (-0.29)

07 Feb, EOD - Global

NIKKEI 225 38787.02 (-0.72)

HANG SENG 21133.54 (1.16)

S&P 6062 (-0.92)


flagDalmia Bharat Ltd

You are Here : Home > Markets > Company Information > Balance Sheet
BSE Code : 542216 | NSE Symbol : DALBHARAT | ISIN : INE00R701025 | Industry : Cement - South India |

Balance Sheet
Particulars (₹ Cr)Mar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021Mar 2020
Non-Current Assets:     
Fixed Assets66.0068.0072.0073.0091.00
Property, Plant and Equipments61.0064.0067.0066.0070.00
Right-of-Use Assets5.
Intangible Assets0.
Intangible Assets under Development0.
Capital Work in Progress0.
Non-current Investments 7,299.007,294.007,492.007,037.006,788.00
Investment Properties0.
Investments in Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint venture6,795.006,793.006,780.006,759.006,757.00
Investments of Life Insurance Business0.
Investments - Long-term504.00501.00712.00278.0031.00
Long-term Loans and Advances436.00418.00391.0057.0064.00
Other Non-Current Assets3.
Long-term Loans and Advances and Other Non-Current Assets 439.00419.00391.0057.0065.00
Biological Assets other than Bearer Plants (Non Current)
Loans - Long-term368.00340.00314.001.000.00
Others Financial Assets - Long-term0.
Current Tax Assets - Long-term68.0078.0076.0055.0061.00
Insurance Related Assets (Non Current)
Other Non-current Assets (LT)
Deferred Tax Assets0.
Total Non Current Assets7,804.007,781.007,955.007,168.006,958.00
Current Assets:     
Biological Assets other than Bearer Plants (Current)
Current Investments55.0052.0029.0054.00254.00
Cash and Cash Equivalents 8.0085.006.0011.00130.00
Cash and Cash Equivalents3.0080.001.006.00113.00
Bank Balances Other Than Cash and Cash Equivalents5.
Trade Receivables11.0013.009.0013.0017.00
Short-term Loans and Advances27.0010.00108.00529.00349.00
Other Current Assets1.
Short-term Loans and Advances and Other Current Assets 28.0016.00115.00531.00354.00
Loans - Short-term0.000.0098.00489.00308.00
Others Financial Assets - Short-term26.0010.0014.0037.0033.00
Current Tax Assets - Short-term0.
Insurance Related Assets (Current)
Other Current Assets (ST)
Assets Classified as Held for Sale0.
Total Current Assets102.00166.00159.00609.00755.00
TOTAL ASSETS7,906.007,947.008,114.007,777.007,713.00
Current Liabilities:     
Short term Borrowings0.000.000.00198.000.00
Lease Liabilities (Current)
Trade Payables3.
Other Current Liabilities 17.0019.0018.0020.0015.00
Others Financial Liabilities - Short-term8.0010.
Insurance Related Liabilities (Current)
Other Current Liabilities9.009.0010.0011.006.00
Liabilities Directly Associated with Assets Classified as Held for Sale0.
Current Tax Liabilities - Short-term0.
Other Short term Provisions6.008.006.0014.0011.00
Total Current Liabilities27.0031.0029.00237.0036.00
Net Current Asset75.00135.00130.00372.00719.00
Non-Current Liabilities:     
Long term Borrowings
Debt Securities0.
Lease Liabilities (Non Current)
Other Long term Liabilities
Others Financial Liabilities - Long-term0.
Insurance Related Liabilities (Non Current)
Other Non-Current Liabilities0.
Long term Provisions 38.0035.0033.0028.0021.00
Current Tax Liabilities - Long-term0.
Other Long term Provisions38.0035.0033.0028.0021.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities37.0031.0056.007.000.00
Total Non Current Liabilities79.0068.0092.0040.0035.00
Shareholders’ Funds:     
Share Capital 38.0037.0037.0037.0039.00
Equity Capital38.0037.0037.0037.0039.00
Preference Capital0.
Unclassified Capital0.
Other Equity 7,762.007,811.007,956.007,463.007,603.00
Reserves and Surplus7,762.007,811.007,935.007,457.007,592.00
Other Equity Components0.000.0021.006.0011.00
Total Shareholder's Fund7,800.007,848.007,993.007,500.007,642.00
Total Equity7,800.007,848.007,993.007,500.007,642.00
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES7,906.007,947.008,114.007,777.007,713.00
Contingent Liabilities and Commitments (to the Extent Not Provided for)
Ordinary Shares :     
Number of Equity Shares - Authorised1,59,55,00,000.001,59,55,00,000.001,59,55,00,000.001,59,55,00,000.001,59,55,00,000.00
Amount of Equity Shares - Authorised319.10319.10319.10319.10319.10
Par Value of Authorised Shares2.
Susbcribed & fully Paid up :     
Par Value2.
Susbcribed & fully Paid up Shares18,75,47,629.0018,73,68,673.0018,73,68,673.0018,71,17,513.0019,29,58,553.00
Susbcribed & fully Paid up CapItal37.5137.4737.4737.4238.59

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